Supporting economic growth with Midlands-specific intelligence, evidence & insights
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The Midlands Engine Observatory is an alliance of leading academic researchers and economic and industry experts, working together to deliver the regionally focused research and analysis our partners need to inform decision making and policy creation, for every part of the Midlands.

The first pan-regional Observatory in England, it ensures that we are evidence led and that we have a deep understanding of the issues impacting the Midlands.

The Observatory is funded by the Midlands Engine and our partners – in particular, our academic partners who co-invest in all the research we produce together. Experts are drawn from the Midlands’ own universities, partner institutions and private sector organisations, maximising the vast knowledge potential of our region.

Work is overseen and guided by a Programme Board, which in turn reports to the Partnership Board of the Midlands Engine, ensuring decision-making is underpinned by contemporary data and emerging evidence. The work of our Observatory continues to grow in breadth and significance; a critical driver of the pan-regional work we undertake.

Why use the Observatory

By providing up-to-date evidence and explaining the nuances and impact on the Midlands though partner and academic insight, the Observatory aims to support:

• Stronger business cases with the potential to secure greater investment for the region
• Robust comparisons, benchmarking and forecasting to support policy recommendations
• Evidenced regional impact insights to inform reactions to Government policy and lobbying
• Better understanding of regional needs and opportunities to target investment for the widest possible economic and social impact

Accessible information in a variety of formats

Midlands Engine Observatory products at your fingertips include:

• Live data and PowerBI dashboards
• Spatial visualisations
• Intelligence briefings
• Insight one-pagers from our region’s experts
• Commissioned deep-dive research

Powered by the Midlands Engine Observatory – the only pan-regional Observatory in England.

The Midlands Engine Observatory is a vital alliance of leading academic researchers and economic and industry experts. We work together to gather the data and intelligence that can shape policy, help target investment for recovery and growth, and measure levelling up progress in every part of our region.