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  • October summary cover

    Regional Economic Impact Monitor – Executive Summary October 2024

    This October edition of the Midlands Engine Regional Economic Impact Monitor covers a wide range of topics relevant to opportunities and challenges in the Midlands, while assessing the impact of recent decisions and trends on the region. October was an important month for government announcements in the UK,...

  • Aerospace

    Aerospace in the Midlands

    The Midlands Engine and the Midlands Aerospace Alliance wanted to measure the economic contribution of the region's aerospace cluster and explore the distribution of R&D funding across its supply chains

  • Birmingham, West Midlands, UK skyline. The city is the second bi

    Place-based Growth in the Midlands – Summer Economic Briefing

    What does place-based growth look like across the Midlands? What strengths does the region already have? And what should we be doing now to ensure place-based growth delivers on the promise of a more prosperous future for our region?

  • Science microscope equipment in biology chemical laboratory. Sci

    Research England Funding in the Midlands Insight

    This insight piece analyses Research England funding for the 2023-24 period. It finds that the Midlands was allocated £362.3m Research England funding, equating to £33.1 per capita, or 13.7% of the total £2.7bn fund. Despite the region having some of the world's leading HE institutions, it continues to...

  • Team male engineers using desktop computer training Programmable logic controller in laboratory. Group of male engineers programming working with desktop computer. Software engineering concept

    Local Skills Investment Funds in the Midlands

    The Midlands Engine pan-region has collectively received £36.9m to drive skills and meet employers’ needs to boost the regional economy as part of the government’s 10-year vision set out in the Skills for Jobs White Paper. The following insight serves as a follow-up to our insight summary of...

Regional Economic Impact Monitor

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  • Economic Briefing Graphic July 24
  • Economic briefing graphic March 24

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State of the Region 2023

State of the Region 2023 Executive Summary front cover

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The first pan-regional Observatory in England, it ensures that we are evidence led and have a deep understanding of the issues impacting the Midlands.