Clusters in the Midlands

In May 2023 we published the report, Exploring the investment potential of Midlands clusters. As productive concentrations of related business activity, clusters are challenging to define but nonetheless present economic strengths across the midlands.

We use data to present some of the region’s most significant clusters, building on what our partners have prioritised through local industrial strategies and other economic plans.

Our findings

0 superclusters world-leading assets
0 established clusters long-established industrial strength
0 new economy clusters innovation-intensive sectors
  • Clusters in the Midlands

    Exploring the Investment Potential of Midlands Clusters

    This report, Exploring the Investment Potential of Midlands Clusters, has been produced by the Midlands Engine Partnership to launch a new programme of analysis, engagement and policy development focused on supporting our regional partners, businesses, and the UK Government to better understand and develop clusters across the Midlands.

  • Clusters in the Midlands

    Exploring the Investment Potential of Midlands Clusters – Appendix

    Appendix to the Report on Exploring the Investment Potential of Midlands Clusters

New economy clusters

Digital technology clusters

Advanced manufacturing clusters

Energy & Material Clusters


Transport technologies

Health & Life Sciences

watch our cluster deep-dive discussion

  • People on Teams discussing Clusters in the Midlands