Health & Population
The Midlands is a globally leading centre for health, MedTech and life sciences, where innovative and ground-breaking research, care and workplace-based projects are focused on improving the health, quality of life and economic prosperity of our region and beyond.
Key statistics
adults diagnosed with diabetes
of Midlands in top 20% most deprived areas in England
male life expectancy
female life expectancy
Understanding more about the population and health landscape of the Midlands supports the ground breaking work that will help address the region’s health inequalities.
• Diverse growing population – 19.2% ethnic minority.
• 24.8% of the Midlands Engine is in the top 20% most deprived areas in England.
• The average life expectancy at birth in Midlands Engine was 79.2 years for men and 82.9 years for women in 2018-2020. When compared to the UK, the Midlands Engine area was 0.2 years higher for males and matched the UK for life expectancy in females.
• Healthy life expectancy is the average number of years that an individual is expected to live in a state of self-assessed good or very good health. In 2018-20, average healthy life expectancy for females was 61.4 years in Midlands Engine, 2.5 years below the England average of 63.9 years. Average healthy life expectancy for males was 61.5 years in Midlands Engine, 1.6 years below the 63.1 years for England.