NEW: The King’s Awards for Enterprise in the Midlands Engine
|NEW: Research England Funding in the Midlands
|NEW: Physical Inactivity and Productivity in the Midlands Report
|NEW: QEB Insight – Technology and Digital
|NEW: Local Skills Improvement Plan Insight
|NEW: Aerospace in the Midlands Report
|Sectors & Supply Chain
The business base in the Midlands is diverse and dynamic, underpinned by technology and innovation. Sector strengths include health and life sciences, aerospace, agri-tech, automotive and transport, ceramics, heating and energy generation.
Key Statistics
GVA from business, professional & financial services
UK Catapult Centres
of value of UK vehicle production
GVA generated by largest MedTech cluster in the UK
The mix of assets right across the Midlands’ multi-centred economy brings measurable value. The region has demonstrated strong economic resilience through periods of recession, outperforming geographies with reliance on a narrower range of sectors. Our contribution to the UK economy is material and measurable.
• The Midlands Engine was home to 404,955 enterprises in 2022.
• There are seven sectors where the Midlands Engine has a higher percentage of GVA when compared to the UK average, including advanced manufacturing and engineering (16.1% vs 9.8%), public sector including education (12.1% vs 11.5%) and retail (11.9% vs 10.6%).