Transport & Infrastructure
%of UK’s population less than 4 hours from the Midlands
of UK’s 5 primary rail freight routes
%of UK rail freight passes through the Midlands
mtonnes of cargo from Immingham Port
The Midlands Engine is home to nearly 28k transport enterprises, providing 266k jobs in the region and generating £9.8bn in GVA.
East Midlands, Birmingham and Humberside airports are located in our region and combined, make sure the world is within reach for passengers and visitors, whilst driving the Midlands as a centre for international trade and logistics. This international connectivity is complemented by east coasts ports including Grimsby, Boston and Immingham, the latter being UK’s largest port by tonnage, handling 46 million tonnes of cargo every year.
The area has extensive local transport links, a nationally important motorway and rail and aviation infrastructure. With the close correlation between supplier delivery times to the manufacturing sector and productivity growth in the sector, the effectiveness of the local transport infrastructure is an important element in maintaining international competitiveness.

Midlands Connect
Midlands Connect, the transport arm of Midlands Engine, is working with partners to decarbonise our region’s transport network, with a focus on more charging points, improving public transport and reducing congestion.